Have you checked there is a new feature available for an Android phone and  Google Photos users ?

The ability to set memories as your wallpaper.

Google photos users will be able to use images in  Memories section of Google Photos. More specifically, it will allow users to set live wallpaper randomly, rotating series of saved photos. This feature will be available in the google photos  called Version 5.22.  However, it is still unknown when the feature will be available to iOS users.

This version will allow you to select option to use memories under live wallpaper section. You can select the preview option before setting it. Once selected, photos will be saved as your background. But one con is, you will not be allowed to decide which Memories to see. Using the machine learning algorithms Google will  pull photos on your behalf. Though google algorithm is smart enough, there is always the possibility that NSFW photos might show up.

Google recently announced unlimited, free photo storage feature on 1 June 2021. But over 15GB Google Photos will charge.

Anirban Roy
Anirban Roy is an Certified Ethical Hacker and Cyber Security Expert, CISCO networking Certified and also the Founder & CEO of Techgen Cyber Solution Pvt. Ltd. Has more than 5 years of professional experience in the field, also worked with government official for solving cyber crimes and securing many different corporate organizations.